Technical Courses
CS 409
CS 425
CS 425
CS 425
CS 425
CS 409
CS 425
CS 425
CS 425
CS 425
CS 409
CS 425
CS 425
CS 425
CS 425

My Projects

Distributed Machine Learning Scheduler
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Face Mask Detection
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Historical Stock Price Analysis
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Rubik's Cube Solver
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Long-Short Term Memory HFT Strategy
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Global Flights Solver
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Program Garbage Collector
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UIUC Course Lookup Engine
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Cheered for Germany in 2014 World Cup, picked up a soccer ball, and pledged allegiance to Bayern Mรผnchen. Still waiting for them to scout me!

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Started with Monopoly, Pokers, and chess, now strategizing global domination one board game at a time. Still waiting for my invite to the World Championships!

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Started with one push-up after dropping a cookie. Now, I lift weights and occasionally cookies. Still waiting for my superhero cape!

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